The law firm of Kallas Law Office Ltd is dedicated to providing high quality legal service and excellent client service. Kallas Law Office serves the Twin Cites from the St. Louis Park, Minnesota office, located just east of Highway 100 on Excelsior Blvd. Business and corporate attorneys, estate planning and real estate lawyers come together at Kallas Law Office Ltd to help our clients find the individual legal solution to meet their unique needs and goals.
Contact our law offices for a free 30-minute consultation.
Real Estate Law
Our commercial or residential real estate lawyers are prepared to assist with any real estate transaction. Kallas Law Office Ltd real estate attorneys will work with clients to form limited liability companies, corporations and family limited partnerships for the real estate development and financing of real estate projects.
Business Law
Kallas Law Office Ltd business law attorneys have helped form hundreds of new companies from high tech start-ups and to traditional businesses. Our firm is dedicated to handling the legal needs of business start-ups and established business.
Estate Planning & Probate
Comprehensive estate planning involves more than drafting a will and naming an estate administrator. At Kallas Law Office Ltd, in St. Louis Park, Minnesota, we are committed to helping individuals and families develop estate plans that give them control of their physical and financial future.
DISCLAIMER: The legal information provided on this website is general in nature and should not be relied upon as providing legal advice. Legal advice can only be provided after full consideration of all relevant information related to an individual’s particular situation in light of currently applicable law.

(952) 832-9352